The source of our stories is the Website There are 260 stories on the site many of which you can use for personal study or to tell to your children.
After each lesson, you can also read a wrap-up of the lesson here. Titles marked with a (*) are the actual lessons with the questions.
Lesson/Date | Title | Leader |
Sep 9 | Adam & Eve and the Fall* | Paul Konstanski |
Sep 23 | Call of Abraham* | Rick Thatcher |
Oct 14 | David’s Mighty Men* | DG Elmore |
Oct 28 | Daniel’s Decision* | Sean Chambers |
Nov 11 | Bargaining with God* | Josh Holden |
Nov 25 | Rahab* | DG Elmore |
Dec 9 | The Well Digger* | Jon Holden |
Jan 13 | Saul’s Disobedience* | Denny Smith |
Jan 27 | Leaving Laban* | Dave Hudson |
Feb 10 | Job’s Three Friends* | John Rabold |
Feb 24 | Three Arrows* | Marc Kellams |
Mar 10 | The Corner of Saul’s Robe* | Darrell Jerden |
Mar 24 | Gideon’s Fleece* | Peter Rumley |
Apr 14 | Joseph’s Rise to Power* | Ron Remak |
Apr 28 | Jonah and the Fish* | Jon Holden |
May 12 | Fifteen Years* | Aaron Brown |
May 26 | Elijah on Mt Carmel* | Paul Konstanski |