Join other men from Men’s Life in asking God to give you a Word for the Year. We will do this annually at the start of the year. Here are some guidelines and resources.

This might be a great way for us as men to give Jesus an opportunity to speak into our lives and to journey together as men.
You begin by taking a few days to pray and ask God to give you a word for the year. Here are some ideas. It may be a word:
- That describes an area of growth for you. (leadership, confidence, creativity, learn).
- Is a pray for a need. (finances, job, health)
- A state of mind (surrender, peace, focus)
- A relational role (parent, spouse, boss)
- A character train (patience, kindness, love, integrity)
- Something you want to do (explore, launch, expand)
- That helps you slow down (pace, rest, sabbatical).
- As a reminder of a story from scripture (boat, temple, Samaritan, mountain)
- Or whatever comes to mind…
The key thing is that it is a word that will remind you what God said to you about how He wants to work this year. To help stimulate thinking you may want to take some time to read some Scripture passages, listen to some worship music, or talk to someone else. For some a word may have already come to mind. Or it may take a couple of weeks. Start with expecting that God has something in mind and you are on the lookout for a word.
The following are some recommended resources to help you.
- Recommended Podcast for 2020: The 2020 broadcast from “Wild at Heart” podcast that helped launch this idea for Men’s Life.
- 2021 Brian Fitzpatrick Email: More detailed ideas for how to approach a “Word for the Year.”
- Wild at Heart 2021 Follow-Up Podcast: The 2021 installment that gives additional insights and details.
Examples of “Word for the Year“
These are gleaned from actual submissions. This first group are some words and an expanded explanation.
- Discipline | Because of how I’m not sticking with weight loss, quiet times, etc.
- Commitment | similar to discipline reason.
- Evangelism | Because I’m involved in things related to it but am I doing it.
- Humility | Because of my concern with confidence turning into arrogance.
- Promise | Review and keep the promises I make.
- Gods Lens | My goal is to try to be and look at my every day and my every interaction through His lens.
- Attack | This year through the Lord’s strength and direction I can attack each and every single day. Attack through love and sharing the wonderful truth of the gospel. By his wonderful grace and design I can make a difference for eternity.
And then a few others who shared these words:
Intentionality | Trust | Patience | Surrender (2) | Compassion | Courageous | Love
Sharing Your Word from the Lord
Once you have heard from God with your word, please send an email to:
State your word and give a paragraph summary of why you picked this.