Over the Christmas break I cleaned out some unused audio equipment and office supplies. I’ve been selling them on Ebay where there is a provision that if the winning bidder doesn’t pay, you can click a button to initiate a “Second Chance Offer.” This letter from Paul to Philemon is just that – an opportunity to make things right a… Read more →
Category: Lessons
Visits with Baby Jesus – Lesson 7 Wrap
December was a most opportune time for us to discuss Visits with the Baby Jesus. We put ourselves in the fields and tried to imagine what it must have been like to be visited by an angel with such a momentous announcement that the Savior had been born in Bethlehem. We talked about the fear they experienced and tried to… Read more →
Rebekah, A Wife for Isaac – Lesson 6 Wrap
This week, we looked at Family and relationships in the story of Isaac and Rebekah. On the heels of the death of Sarah, Abraham sends his servant on a quest for a bride for Isaac. This servant immediately began to travel and prayerfully sought God’s guidance for this task of finding a wife for Isaac. God led Rebekah right to… Read more →
The Twelve Spies – Lesson 5 Wrap
This week we looked at The Twelve Spies from Numbers with a theme on failure. It’s clear throughout this passage that failure and the fear of failure clouded the minds of the Israelites as well as their faith. The task of entering Canaan to take the Promised Land was too overwhelming and unfathomable, except to two of the entrusted leaders,… Read more →
Building an Empire – Lesson 4 Wrap
It doesn’t take long to realize that David, the second king of Israel, lived a complex life. The story titled “Building an Empire” covers a lot of years and it highlights well this complexity. Part of the background of this story shows that David was willing to take some risks but also exercise caution. But there is one big lesson… Read more →
Four Friends and a Hole in the Roof – Lesson 3 Wrap
In Mark 2 we have a very familiar story and one that we might often gloss over. A few of the points I would like you to consider in the story of the paralytic are as follows: Four men were taking another to Christ. As we asked last week, are we leading, or taking people to Christ? Are we doing… Read more →
Peter Denies Knowing Jesus – Lesson 2 Wrap
As with all the stories of the bible, this one has a primary message that most all of us recognize and is our immediate focus upon reading the story. In this case the focus is upon Peter. After sharing the last supper with His disciples, Jesus had said to them “This very night you will all fall away on account… Read more →
Jesus Watching People Give – Lesson 1 Wrap
Jesus once again uses his power of observation, combined with a keen sense of capturing the moment to drive home a great point. We are not sure of all of the “why’s” but the Bible points it out that Jesus sat in a place where he could see people putting money into the temple treasury. (a.k.a. think of it as… Read more →
Elijah on Mount Carmel – Lesson 17 Wrap
The story of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel has always been one of my “go to” stories from the Bible. I’m not sure if it’s because of the demonstration of God’s power, the call to action or the fact that as I kid I got a kick out of Elijah mocking their God by wondering if… Read more →
Fifteen Years – Lesson 16 Wrap
Hezekiah takes the kingdom of Judah and quickly gets out of the rut of his predecessors doing “what is evil in the sight of the Lord.” He tears down idols and focuses Judah back on God. King Hezekiah is described as a man who faithfully follows God, who has a heart similar to his great x8 grandfather, David, you know,… Read more →