Nice Start, Let’s Get Going – Lesson 2 Wrap

I celebrated my 60th birthday last week. Instead of being discouraged, I’ve resolved to build on my Axiom mindset of “Nice Start, Let’s Get Going.”

Let me unpack that for a second.

Over the years I’ve learned a lot. I wish like crazy I could rewind the clock to my 20’s but with the insight, wisdom and knowledge I have now. It’s not that I look back with regrets. To the contrary, I am so grateful for all that life has brought and I look forward to what lies ahead. But knowing what I know now, and to be in my twenties with my whole life in front of me, wow… that would be incredible.

Reality check though says ”that ain’t happening.” So I do the next best thing. I look at my 60th birthday as an opportunity to view the past as that which has prepared me for the future. I’ve had a nice start. Now it’s time to roll up my sleeves and get going. Let the real work begin.

Look at these words written by two Old Testament Kings. The first saw old age as a time when life was not pleasant anymore. In contrast, the second sees old age in a more positive light saying it is vital and green

“Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore.” — King Solomon

“Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.” — King David

May my next 60 years (or whatever portion I have of that) be described as King David said — vital, green and producing fruit.

I love the perspective of seeing this milestone of turning 60 as an opportunity to unleash some of that accelerating creativity. I hope to see this coming decade as one of great productivity and enjoyment. There is some freedom (and discounts) that comes with age. I don’t see it as the start of winding down but rather as a chance to gear up. I want to see if I can still run a mile in eight minutes. I’d love to launch a business. Take my wife to Alaska. Visit my daughter living overseas. Go backpacking more often. I’d love to design and build a house. Take each grandchild on an adventure. The list could go on and on.

Ultimately though what is most important is what King Solomon had as his youthful perspective. To honor my Creator all the days of my life.