The Axiom’s Are Coming


Coming September 13th

The Men’s Life 2016-17 season will kick off on Tuesday, September 13th. We are excited about this year’s focus.

Whether we know it or not, we all have short phrases or ideas that guide our life. We’re calling them “axioms.” Some are straight out of the Bible ā€“ Do not depend on your own understanding. Others are just based on what works for us ā€“ There is no ā€˜Iā€™ in team.

During our 17 sessions this year we will explore some of our favorite axioms. After defining the axiom we’ll see an illustration of it at work and then discuss the Biblical basis behind it. For example, with the “team” axiom above, this phrase itself is not in the Bible but is all about unity and looking out for the interests of others, a key Biblical theme.

When and Where

We will continue our discussion format on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:45 a.m. and noon, again at the Solution Tree Building (details for each session will follow the Monday preceding). We will meet twice each month, September through May, except for December 20th.

Please mark these dates in your calendar. Invite a friend to join you.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

The Men’s Life Core Group