On October 10th, Bloomington South and IU Grad Michael McGuire* was rushed to the emergency room by his wife Megan and diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage. He is currently undergoing rehabilitation.
A special night of fundraising events has been organized. The benefit will be held on Friday, January 29th from 7pm to 10pm at The Warehouse (1525 S Rogers St, Bloomington). Live music, silent auction, raffle, catering by Butcher’s Block.
All donations/proceeds go to Michael McGuire’s medical/living expenses.
You may also visit Michael’s Go Fund Me page. It would be great if the men of Men’s Life could really help out with this.
For additional details, contact: lmangrum@indiana.edu.
A flyer to print and pass on to others is here:
McGuire Benefit
*Michael is the son of Terry and DeeDee McGuire. Terry has been a part of Men’s Life for many years.