When we think of creation, images of power fill our minds. Galaxies are formed and with a word there was light. Yet when we started our story of the creation of Adam we’re introduced to a very personal God who formed Adam by shaping soil and breathing into his nostrils. That was just one of the great observations that came out at our table.
Another thing that hit me was some insight into the phrase “This is the reason a man leaves his parents and forms a relationship with his wife, and they become one flesh.” I always wondered, “for what reason.” I wasn’t seeing the connection. But when we go back to the beginning of that paragraph it begins with God saying that it wasn’t good for man to be alone. So what God does is helps Adam see his need, brings a partner and then declares this is the way it should be. We talked about how long and how many animals Adam had to name. We don’t know for sure but what we do know is that by the time God brought Eve around Adam was well aware of his need. Adam’s response to seeing how God provided a partner was off the chart enthusiasm.
The deceptive scheme that Satan used to cause Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit provides a good reminder of how we have to be careful to lookout for ways in which we too can be led astray.
Our next Men’s Life Session will be September 23rd in which we will look at The Call of Abraham and will be led by Rick Thatcher. I hope you can make it.
Paul Konstanski
Leader for “Adam & Eve and the Fall”
September 9, 2014